Desktop Kernel Stuff


He's always saying that the desktop is important to him, but this caught my

  "Mainly because I still use it day-to-day on regular desktops, and that's
  what I care most about. For example, the latest patch that I worked on
  myself (as opposed to working on merging other people's stuff) was to get
  X11 and Mozilla to load faster by improving the read-ahead heuristics for
  page faulting in the executable images. ;)"

Everywhere you look, there's another "this will rock so hard for the
desktop" feature in 2.6. Meanwhile, there are grumblings here and there
about how we don't have the best communication with kernel hackers, and they
aren't concentrating on desktop issues.

So, let's build ourselves a list. :-) Which kernel issues are important to
GNOME, at a technical level? Which kernel issues are important to GNOME
users? I'll summarise, and take it to the streets.

- Jeff

-- 2004: Adelaide, Australia
   "There, I did it... I defiled a timeless piece of ART!" - Jim Carrey,
                          covering I Am The Walrus
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