Re: CVS migration to subversion?

Carlos Perelló Marín wrote:

Hi people, I'm playing with subversion (
and it seems really cool.


But it has also some problems:


On this list, they list "*Interrupted checkouts: *If you interrupt a checkout in progress, you'll need to toss the working copy and start over.". This sounds like a _big_ problem for a project like Gnome. If the repo is on the local network, throwing away your working copy and checking out again might not be too bad. However, with a dialup line on the other side of the world (a situation where interruptions are more likely ...), it is more of a problem.
I'm not telling you that we should migrate now, I think we should look
at it and if we agree that we could use it, start a migration test so we
could have all ready to be able to change our system with the 1.0
release (or when we think it's ready to use). For Example, we will need
bonsai and lxr ported/equivalent tools that works with subversion
(viewcvs works already).
The SVN feature set does look quite compelling, but some of the problems listed on the inconveniences page look _very_ inconvenient for a project like Gnome :)

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