GNOME Summit 2003 - November, NY.

Hello everyone,

We are pleased to announce the 2003 GNOME Summit, to be held November
22nd, 23rd and 24th at Brooklyn College in New York.  Some initial
information about the summit is available on the internet:

Similar in spirit to the 2002 Summit in sunny Boston, the objective of
this event is to get the GNOME hackers together in the same place to
facilitate coordination, planning, and a general sense of love and
spiritual well-being.

For those of you who attended the summit in 2002, we have learned from
your feedback and therefore this event will be even less formal and
more free-form than the previous year's.  There will be few to no
scheduled sessions, and the emphasis will be on providing facilities
and a common location for contributors to get together.

For those of you who did not attend last year, we hope that you can
make it in November.  This year, we are not requiring that you be a
GNOME Foundation member to attend.

This summit is being organized by NYLXS, the New York GNU Linux Scene,
who have been kind enough to organize all the facilities and
accommodations for the event.

As with last year, you are responsible for finding accommodations
yourself.  Very soon, some helpful information will appear on the
summit web page with information about nearby hotels and other
arrangements.  Contact information for Lewis Travel, who can help you
arrange your travel, is already available.

We do ask that you register using the registration mechanism on the
summit web page.

Questions about the summit should be directed to Ruben Safir
<ruben mrbrklyn com>.

Over and out,

gnome-hackers mailing list
gnome-hackers gnome org

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