Re: Removing gthtml2 (was Proposed modules for 2.10 wanted NOW)

Murray Cumming wrote:
Yelp now uses mozilla's gecko instead of gthtml2, so we can remove that
from the Desktop release set.
Yay! One down, one to go...

/ M

Evolution, at least, still uses gtkhtml3.
On Wed, 2004-10-27 at 14:42 +0200, Kjartan Maraas wrote:

If anyone wants to propose new modules for GNOME 2.10 *now* is the time
to do this. Please give the following information to ease the task for
the community when considering the modules for inclusion:

- name of module
- short description of what it does
- which part of GNOME it's proposed for inclusion in (bindings, desktop,
- URL to website if any
- status wrt documentation, localisation, accessibility, usability, HIG-
compliance if relevant etc

It's important that any proposed modules get a review by subprojects
such as translation, documentation, accessibility, usability as early as
possible so that any potential blockers in these areas are found as soon
as possible. should have information on how to
reach the various teams, and if not ask here.


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