Copyright assignments policy change.

Hello guys,

   As of today Helix Code-authored code on CVS will no longer be
required to include a copyright assignment in behalf of Helix Code.
We do request though that contributions to the code are still
contributed under the GPL/LGPL at the same time, as in the future we
want to change some of the GPL-covered code to be LGPL-covered.

   You still can not commit directly to those modules without
permission from the module maintainer, and you still need to talk to
the maintainer for changes, but Helix Code will not pursue relicensing
of the code.

   This means:

	* That contributors interested in making changes to Camel,
          Gal, Helix Setup Tools, GNOME Basic will hold the copyright
          to their changes.

	* That contributors to the above modules acknowledge that
          although some pieces are currently relicensed under the GPL,
          their contributions migth be redistributed in the future
          under the LGPL.  

	* Although you own the copyright to that code you are not
          allowed to check randomly to the CVS your code without the
          module maintainer's approval.  

	  If you *need* to have a change that the maintainer does not
          want to allow into CVS, you would still need to maintain
          that patch yourself, or your own branch, or your own forked
          copy of the code.  

    We still believe that dual-licensing of library code under the GPL
and another license is a good alternative for people for other explore
(for instance, the new Qt license falls among these lines).  Helix
Code is not pursuing that model.

    Thanks go to Michael Meeks and Nat Friedman.


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