
Shawn T Amundson <amundson eventloop com> writes:

> If the GNOME websites are going to get overhauled anytime soon,
> I'd like to donate the website to GNOME's web team.
> The URL is in various books and often in magazines and such, and
> I think it could be an important entry point into the GNOME 
> project as well as a better GTK+ user site.
> Could someone kindly give an overview of how the current GNOME web 
> team is organized?  Who does the work, etc.?


I think this would be a good move for GTK+ ... we have the problem now
that there is a lot of information out there, but it is scattered and
it is not easy for someone new to GTK+ or GNOME to find everything
relevant, especially for something like the new GTK+-2.0 platform.

Of course, in order to take advantage of your offer, we need to finish
putting the GNOME web house in order. As you've seen there has been a
lot of discussion recently about getting it moving again, but not a
whole lot of action.

Most work on the GNOME web sites is done pretty much ad-hoc by those
who have interest and time. There is a mailing list
gnome-web-maint nuclecu unam mx which gets mail to
webmaster gnome org, and where I think most discussion of web site
matters goes on.

I think either we need to move that list to and make it
public subscription or create an additional public subscription list.

That's probably the first step; beyond that there is a need to
make some decisions about:

 - What target audiences we want to serve with what sites
 - How to provide effective navigation between the different sites
 - How to provide some visual consistency between different 
 - What common tools, if any we should use for generating content.

Anyways, many thanks for the offer. I think tying together
with the information we have on and elsewhere
can be a big win for both GTK+ and GNOME developers.


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