Re: automake help request ...

On Fri, 13 Apr 2001, Michael Meeks wrote:

> Hi folks,
> 	I struggled to get automake to do what I want for a while, and
> then I thought I'd ask you people.
> 	Essentialy I have the following problem:
> 	orbit-idl is used to generate C files that I want to include as
> the _SOURCES of a certain library. However, I _really_ don't want to be
> shipping these files, they do not belong in the package, since the IDL
> compiler is at total liberty to change itself randomly.
> 	So, I really want something like:
> NO_DIST = Bonobo-stubs.c ...
> 	However, having read automake, fiddled with adding rules to
> EXTRA_DIST, touching files, dummy targets, trying to hook into make
> distdir etc. etc. I can't see how to do this...
> 	So - anyone got an easy way of excluding files from a release that
> are part of the source needed to be built [ NB. adding features to
> automake is the obvious solution, but this is IIRC impossible ].
> 	I can think of several brutal hack methods, but none that are
> nice.

In my python bindings for gtk 2.0, I have a similar situation.  I ended up
adding a dist-hook target.  Something like this:
	-rm -f $(distdir)/some-file-i-dont-want-included

Provided the rules to rebuild the file are included in the makefile, this
works fine.


Email: james daa com au

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