Re: [GNOME VFS] gob inside gnome-vfs ...

<quote who="Havoc Pennington">

> You had better hurry - the release candidate is long since out, and
> the release is in less than a week.

> Of course gnome-vfs need not have new releases to accompany each GNOME
> release. But if you break the ABI, I don't think GNOME will use the new
> gnome-vfs for at least 2 years. Perhaps 3 or 4.

We have had 2.0.1 releases with ABI changes so far (IIRC). However, what
goes out with the full GNOME 2.0.0 release is final, whatever the version
numbers happen to be.

- Jeff

    "From my observation, when it comes to porting Linux to a particular    
           device, a point doesn't appear to be necessary." - mpt           

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