Re: Don't dare run out of diskspace while running Gnome...

> Fill the / file system
> Reboot
> Watch X continually start, then choke then start then choke. That one I
> did pin down. Xfs fails to get space to allocate the font server socket,
> X gets peeved. Repeat.

Your first mistake is running Xfs, but I agree with the principle... :-).
You could probably get the X server to do something similar with the
unix domain socket.

> Jim - the files you've seen corrupted are they always standard format
> config files ?

I think so: it certainly trashed my menu setup pretty well (I had been
tuning my menus for a demo, and the OOB menus are sucky and unsorted).
I didn't have time at that moment to try to figure out exactly what
got trashed.

And it was so fun not to be even able to log in for a while... :-).
				- Jim

Jim Gettys
Cambridge Research Laboratory
Compaq Computer Corporation
jg pa dec com

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