Renaming CVS Modules for Sanity's Sake

Hey all,

So there are a bunch of CVS modules that are not named correctly, or at
least are not named similarly to the tarballs that are released from them.
Here are a few examples that Miles, James and I thought of on #gnome:

  profterm -> gnome-terminal
  gnome-xml -> libxml2

Would the maintainers of these modules be happy with the rename in CVS?
There's no time pressure on this, just a matter of clarity. If there are
other examples that need renaming, now is the time.

  (We looked at ximian-setup-tools, but it has been properly moved, though
  there's message-of-doom remnant there... Entropy fund ahoy!)


[ As an aside, James mentioned that his deeper hierarchy worked well
(example below). Perhaps we could standardise on this for at least bindings
for now?  (He also suggested s/gnome-python/python-bindings/ or something,
so it was clearer.)


Thoughts? ]

- Jeff

    You know a French woman is faking it when she screams, "I would like    
                     the table near the window please!"                     

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