[RSN #2] The Considerable Duck's Airspeed Record

RSN #2: The Considerable Duck's Airspeed Record

In the face of a few wise quacks from the peanut gallery, GNOME 2.0.x has
been powering along with continued polishing, performance tweaks and bug
fixes. Our major, user-visible bugs are stomped... It's time for 2.1.x!


2.0.x Status

2.0.2 was released on Sunday, with a short delay at the last minute - our
thanks to Dave Camp for nailing a fresh crash-on-startup bug in Nautilus so
quickly. This brings us to the end of the 2.0.x schedule. Further releases
will be assessed by the Release Team and made as bugfixes and translations
roll in... 2.0.3 is only a matter of time!

We're still frozen for user interface and string changes, but the general
freeze has been lifted now that 2.0.2 is out.

New FTP Layout Status

It turns out that Friday is a particularly bad day to ask sysadmins to care
about wacky GNOME FTP migration scripts, so the FTP shift was delayed until
after 2.0.2. It will happen this week, with lots of noise to announce its
arrival. :-) Once this is done, we can start doing our first 2.1.x releases!

The Bugmeister

On the plus side:

  318 fixes of GNOME2 bugs since 2.0.1. The train keeps rolling. These are
  inaccurate, Enron-style book-keeping numbers, but they're in the right
  ballpark. If you want better numbers, feel free to audit the provided
  link. "GNOME Bugzilla: it's all out there in the open." :) 


On the down side:

  Still 22 of bugs marked 2.0.2, and many for 2.0.x; none showstoppers but
  many are fairly serious. I continue to hope maintainers look at these. :)


Patch bugs:

  Still 120 of these. Maintainers, you owe it to these folks to review these
  and let them know where they stand.


API Documentation

Since libgnomecanvas doesn't build against Pango HEAD some status is taken
against the gnome-2-0 branch. According to DV, libxml2 and libxslt are close
to 100%.

  glib:              100%
  gobject:            46% (244/285)
  linc:               56% (15/12)
  atk:               100%
  pango:              97% (414/11)
  bonobo-activation:  77% (23/7)
  gdk:               100%
  gtk:                89% (2162/256)
  gdk-pixbuf:        100%
  gconf:              42% (114/155)
  libbonobo:          39% (187/288)
  gnome-vfs:          77% (303/89)
  libglade:           81% (42/10)
  libgnome:          100%
  libgnomecanvas:     75% (101/33)  (gnome-2-0)
  libbonoboui:        not available
  libgnomeui:         57% (488/374) (gnome-2-0)
  libgnomeprint:      20% (48/190)
  libgnomeprintui:    not available
  gail:               81% (13/3) ?  (gnome-2-0)
  gnome-panel:        64% (18/10) ? (gnome-2-0)
  vte:                93% (65/5)

You Are Here

You don't have to feel like a small, wide-eyed child lost in a ginormous
shopping centre forever - the release team is here to help! Think of us as
the shiny, big red dot on the shopping centre map of GNOME.

     September 2002
  Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
   1  2  3  4  5 (6) 7   RELEASE: GNOME 2.0.2 RC 1
   8  9 10 11 12(13)14   RELEASE: GNOME 2.0.2 Final          .-------------.
 -15-16-17-18-19-20-21-                                  <--/ YOU ARE HERE /
  22 23 24 25 26(27)28   RELEASE: GNOME 2.1.0 Snapshot      `-------------'
  29 30
      October 2002
  Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
         1  2  3  4  5
   6  7  8  9 10 11 12
  13 14 15 16 17(18)19   RELEASE: GNOME 2.1.1 Snapshot
  20 21 22 23 24 25 26
  27 28 29 30(31)        CHILL: Feature freeze, UI chill
     November 2002
  Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
                 (1) 2   RELEASE: GNOME 2.1.2 Snapshot
   3  4  5  6  7  8  9
  10 11 12 13 14 15 16
  17 18 19 20 21(22)23   RELEASE: GNOME 2.1.3 Snapshot
  24 25 26 27 28 29(30)  FREEZE: User Interface Freeze

- Jeff

                Patches are like Free Software love letters.                

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