Re: very rough pre-gep tentative new modules list

<quote who="Alan Cox">

> The GNOME project must have the guts to say "We cannot provide XYZ
> facility because it is not free". Freedom is not hiding in the basement
> saying "They haven't come for me yet".

Strongly agree, on two counts:

  - This is Free Software.

  - If the GNOME Project shipped something that our distributors could not,
    for legal reasons or otherwise, it would land us in the same hole as
    control-center-1.5 and other variations on 'The GNOME Desktop'.

This is one very strong argument for GStreamer - as far as I know, the
gtreamer and gst-plugins modules do not include encumbered code. That means
that we can ship them as tarballs, distributors can ship binaries linked to
acceptable libraries, and third parties can make their own judgements.


- Jeff

                W.O.R.K: Weekend Over, Resume the Killings.                 

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