--help message i18n issue


GNOME2 apps show command option descriptions with the '--help' option
as you know, and those messages are gettextized and translators
make efforts to maintain those translations.


Almost of all apps don't show them correctly, some of them are
scrambled, others completely ignore them and show just English.
Only Gnumeric(CVS) shows it correctly as far as I know in GNOME2 apps.

HOW TO FIX(as translators, bug reporters):
* If all '--help' messages are English in non-English locale...
  - Make sure popt option messages are all gettextized with N_().
  - Call setlocale(LC_ALL, "") before gnome_program_init()

* If '--help' message gets scrambled in non-UTF-8 locales.
  - Call bind_textdomain_codeset(PACKAGE, "UTF-8") after
    gnome_program_init(). Don't call before it.

* 'Help options' 'Application options' are still English
  - libgnome issue.
* 'Show this help message' 'Display brief usage message' are still 
  - popt issue. Will be fixed in popt-1.8.1

HOW TO FIX(as maintainers):
1. Call setlocale(LC_ALL, "") before gnome_program_init()
2. Call bind_textdomain_codeset(PACKAGE, "UTF-8") after   
   gnome_program_init(), never before.

And I wonder why gnome_program_init() don't call setlocale(LC_ALL, "")
internaly for help option. GNOME1 called setlocale() through
gtk_set_locale() in gnome_init() for the sake of easy development.

Yukihiro Nakai <ynakai redhat com>

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