Re: web server bug ?

Mathieu Lacage wrote:

hi all,

I just updated my GObject doc today just to notice something really
weird: if you look at
with mozilla, you'll see weird characters showing up at the left of the
line which holds my email address for example. If you download the file,
and view it locally with mozilla, the characters do not show up.
I wonder if someone knows how to fix this in my html (automatically
generated with RH9's default docbook xml xsl stylesheets).
Your document is encoded in UTF-8, while the webserver is asserting that its mime type is "text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" (this is a common webserver configuration, that apparently works around some security hole in browsers). So the multibyte unicode characters in the document come out as multiple characters.

You can fix this by either using a customisation layer that sets the default.encoding property to ISO-8859-1, or set it directly on the command line:

xsltproc --stringparam default.encoding ISO-8859-1 filename.xml

Any characters outside of the latin1 range will be encoded as entities, and should display okay.


Email: james daa com au

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