Gnomermind translation - a bunch of questions

    I've made a little puzzle game for GNOME, Gnomermind... I have put it in
sourceforge, and since the project is now taking a certain life (IMHO, but
the master's eye fattens the pig! ;), I'm wondering how to get it
translated... Up to now, it's in english (by me), italian (idem) and russian
(thanx to Valek Filippov, who addressed me here); it would need to translate
a po file (not too big), the gnomermind.desktop, and (in future) the
documentation. Moreover, it should be necessary to check what I've written
in english; not being english, I could have made (I must have, actually! ;)
many mistakes... but maybe this is off-topic?
    However, how does the system work? Should I generically call for help,
or send the files in list, or upload them somewhere... Sorry if this is
written somewhere, I haven't found...
    Moreover, the program is in development: so the files change quite
often... what's the approx. release rate I should attain to in order not to
annoy the translators? Of course, the po file don't change at every release;
and being a game there isn't _so_ much to translate...
    Thank you very much, and sorry for the poor english,
        Mano :)

PS: the game, if you want to take a look, is at but it isn't the latest, actually. Perhaps
tomorrow there'll be 0.5.1

 Questa non è una lettera da mettere da
 parte con leggerezza.Bisogna scagliarla
 via con grande forza.
        --Dorothy Parker
Germano Rizzo -

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