Re: doc-i18n-tool

On 10Oct2001 12:46PM (-0700), Darin Adler wrote:
> on 10/10/01 11:38 AM, Jonathan Blandford at wrote:
> > Should we try to put this in intl-tools?  It's Darin's call of course,
> > but I think that if it manages to increase the number of translated docs
> > then it's a good thing.  As a non-translator, I'd appreciate it if those
> > actually doing the translating could provide feedback.
> Adding this to intltool would make sense to me in theory. It does fit with
> the general purpose of intltool. There are a few practical matters to
> consider:
>     - I'm only 1 of the 3 maintainers of intltool, so it's not completely my
> call!
>     - the current intltool has nothing compiled in it. It's all just scripts
> and m4 macros that get installed.
>     - the current intltool doesn't have dependencies on libxml or even glib.
>     - the tools in intltool come with simple ways to use them in project
> makefiles -- we'd want to come up with that for this too -- in the case of
> the other tools, we used them in some projects to get a sense with how they
> fit into the build process before we packaged them
> I'd be happy to work with you to get this into intltool, if we have
> consensus that makes sense.

I haven't heard anything about doc-i18n-tool so I don't know if it
makes sense or not. What does it do? Where can I look at the source?

I've heard intltool is being used to localize some parts of the GNOME
web site (scary thought there) so I am curious how doc-i18n-tool is
different from that approach.

 - Maciej

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