Re: [gnomeicu-support] Prepared for release

> If you have anything to say before the release, please speak up now, or
> hold your peace til afterward ;)
Well, one thing I've seen that I've been meaning to report; 
I have one person on my contact list running the mac os x client (3.0x
beta, build 9), and when I send him messages, he says that the carriage
returns are all stripped out of it, and my messages are all strung
together on one line. Obviously that's really obnoxious for him, though
I'm not sure if other people are seeing it, since I don't think I've
seen anyone else mention it before. 

He says there's a "mac/pc character translation" option, but neither of
us know what that really does, and we've tried with that both on & off,
with no change. 

He says he's tried running "gerry's icq" under os 9, and the problem
didn't occur there. There's no os x version of that, and the os 9 one
won't run right.

Also there's still that problem with gnomeicu not sending messages after
a while. I checked out & rebuilt with the latest from cvs as of a few
hours ago and had it happen to me still. That, in my opinion, is a major
show-stopper, since there's no way to know your messages aren't going

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