Re: Need help with i18nizing some strings

fre 2003-04-11 klockan 21.00 skrev Joe Shaw:
> Right now we have a pretty ugly block of code:

That was indeed nasty (from an i18n POV). ;-)

> which essentially allows us to get a string similar to:
>         There are currently 2 pending installs and 1 pending removal. 
>         If you quit now, all pending operations will be lost.
>         Are you sure you want to quit?
> Clearly this won't work for a lot of languages.  How can I refactor this
> code to work nicely with all languages?  I guess there's also a more
> general "what is the right way to do plurals" question here as well.

The only solution that solves all the mentioned plural issues is
ngettext, but using ngettext has portability problems. It should work on
at least all modern GNU/Linux and Solaris systems though (there was a
thread on this back in February;

If you can't use that the second best choice is having four message
variants, one for each combination of plurals. But such a solution will
still cause problems for languages with special plurals, such as most
(all?) slavic languages.


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