Re: translating beast (Re: Please translate beast and bse)

On Sun, 26 Oct 2003, Carlos Perelló Marín wrote:

> We have other options, I'm investigating a setup that lets you store
> several domains inside the same .po file so you get several .mo from the
> same .po file. That's a undocumented gettext feature but I hope it help
> us.

hm. does that allow to split up a set of po files by source files?
i.e. i could use a single po file if at the time of a package split,
i'm able to split up all translations like:

--- po file for beast & bse ---
#: beast-gtk/bstfoo.c:51
msgid "string in beast"
msgstr "translated 'string in beast'"

#: beast-gtk/bstfile.c:544
#: bse/bsebar.c:99
msgid "string for beast and bse"
msgstr "translated 'string for beast and bse'"

#: bse/bsezonk:320
msgid "string in bse"
msgstr "translated 'string in bse'"

becomes two distinct files, each containing only:

--- po file for beast ---
#: beast-gtk/bstfoo.c:51
msgid "string in beast"
msgstr "translated 'string in beast'"

#: beast-gtk/bstfile.c:544
msgid "string for beast and bse"
msgstr "translated 'string for beast and bse'"


--- po file for bse ---
#: bse/bsebar.c:99
msgid "string for beast and bse"
msgstr "translated 'string for beast and bse'"

#: bse/bsezonk:320
msgid "string in bse"
msgstr "translated 'string in bse'"

that is, i need to be able to split the translation together
with the sources they apply to.

> Cheers.


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