Re: GIMP translation

Sven Neumann <> writes:


> Solution (1) would give me an easy way to do this. We'd just disable
> all translations that did not yet take care of adding a tips
> translation and wait for the translators to provide one in order to
> resurrect the particular language. Does this seem overly drastic or do
> you agree that it is a reasonable way of handling unmaintained
> translations?

In my opinion, it could cause problems because people usually forget
all about ALL_LINGUAS. And generally assume that packagers make
mistakes, forgetting to include their translations. So your change may
go undetected for a very long time. Also, I think that having a
partially translated Gimp is better than an untranslated one since it
is more likely to spark interest into helping with the translation.

Is adding empty .po files difficult? Can't you simply generate the
.pot file and duplicate it?

> Of course I'd wait with this change till after the pending 1.3.12
> release.

BTW, I've been trying to track Gimp 1.3 for some time since it seems
to be used quite a lot already. But apparently I always update the
translations at the wrong moment. Would it be possible for you to give
us a warning a few days ahead of the releases? Not necessarily
freezing the strings, of course, but just so that we get a chance to
get up-to-date.

Ole Laursen

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