Re: First Northern Sotho files committed

mån 2004-11-15 klockan 15.09 skrev Dwayne Bailey:
> Just to let you know that the project has committed its
> first Northern Sotho translation to Gnome.  There will be a few more
> commits over the next few days.

Great. I noticed there haven't been any Northern Sotho component created
in GNOME Bugzilla yet:
Having these components is important, as any potential bugs in the
translations for the particular languages can then be directly routed to
the appropriate people.

I will resend my request for details for creating a Bugzilla component
to you, in case it was lost.

> It has been a pleasure working with the people of Gnome and reading some
> very nice docs.  A real pleasure compared to OOo and Mozilla (sorry guys
> but its true).  I've captured our learning experiences here:

Very nice! Thanks. This could certainly be useful for many new teams.
If you don't want to link directly to the 2.N status pages, you can use
the stable and unstable aliases:

They should work and be maintained by the release team as well, if I
recall correctly.


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