Re: Wrong assignation in Bugzilla for Lithuanian component

Olav Vitters wrote:

On Tue, Jan 03, 2006 at 05:21:00PM +0100, Vincent Untz wrote:

On Tue, January 3, 2006 16:08, ®ygimantas Beruèka wrote:

Lithuanian component has one bug which is fixed long
time ago, but unfortunately I can't close it, because it is assigned to
previous coordinator which is inactive for more than two years.

Can anyone update bugzilla that Lithuanian component bugs should be
assigned to me?

I'm cc'ing bugmaster. This should help :-)


Thanks Olav.

Is there a way to get a list of who is responsible in Bugzilla for each localisation team as listed at

What would be the preferred way to contact for any changes?
Direct e-mail to you or make a bugzilla report (which product/component?)?


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