
Hey, Leo.

On 9/16/06, Leonardo Fontenelle <leo fontenelle gmail com> wrote:
I'm a little confuse about the statistics and the files available in Some of our translations were commited to the
CVS, are shown in my interface (I'm already using GNOME 2.16 from
Gentoo) but don't seem to exist judging from l-g-o. I've noticed that
files /gnome-2.16/PO/PACKAGE.gnome-2-16.pt_BR.po also have a HEAD
counterpart, but both seem to lack some translation that actually is
shown in my desktop.

Example: in GNOME games, the Minesweeper game has a "_Use \"Too many
flags\" warning" message, which is untranslated in both HEAD and
gnome-2-16 files, but I can see a "_Utilizar o aviso \"Demasiadas
bandeiras\"" here.
I guess it's just the fallback mechanism playing tricks on you. As
there are no translations available for pt_BR, gettext uses pt or
pt_PT ones.

I'm trying to review some translations (about compliance to standard
translations) but I'm afraid my diff's won't be appliable.

The following files were expected to be completely translated but
l-g-o disagrees:
- gdm2
- gnome-games
- gnome-volume-manager
- gnopernicus
- gok
- gtksourceview
- metacity
About this, I think someone (like me :-) might have forgotten to
commit in the right branches.

Raphael Higino

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