Re: on usage of non-ascii symbols

On 2/27/07, Karl Eichwalder <ke suse de> wrote:
> Epiphany uses real ellipsis like this, and curly double quotation
> marks (in opposition to the common, "vertical" one). Unicode gives us
> a lot of unambiguous characters for situations like that, and many
> people (ex. web standards people) think you should use them as often
> as possible. I kind of agree with that, too, but as you said they are
> hard to enter and most people don't like them that much.

You'd better avoid such eye-candy stuff in source code.  Instead do
proper English translations and add en_US and en_GB files.

I can recall in some older discussion that current GNOME 'policy' is
"source code == en_US".


Karl Eichwalder                                R&D / Documentation
SUSE Linux Products GmbH                       GF: Markus Rex
Nuernberg, Germany                             HRB 16746 (AG Nuernberg)
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