msgfmt error

Hi all

As the new maintainer of nautilus-actions project, I've fixed some typos in translatable strings which were marked in Bugzilla.

I'm not sure if I was right to do this, but I have done "make -C po update-po" in order to update po files.
All seemed fine, but when I wanted to push to gnome git, the pre-hooks refuses with a message error standing that dz.po file would be broken :

$ msgfmt -c dz.po
dz.po:1018: number of format specifications in 'msgid' and 'msgstr[1]' does not match
msgfmt: found 1 fatal error

I've searched for this error, but Google has not been my friend today ;-(

At last, I've commented the offending lines in the dz.po file (this is bad, yes !).

Could someone explain me what is the problem please ? I surely made a mistake somewhere ?

By the way, giving me a link to a maintainer how-to against i18n would be also a great thing, as I didn't find anything under MaintainersCorner..

Thanks in advance

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