Re: help with git push of single branch

Le samedi 30 mai 2009 à 22:40 +0200, Kenneth Nielsen a écrit :
> Hallo
> Now it seems it is my turn to ask for help with git. What I did is the
> following, I have a local clone of gtk+ with two branches from the
> last time I had to commit a translation, master and gtk-2-16. Now I
> had to commit a new translation to master, but do nothing with the
> gtk-2-16 branch. So I did:
> git checkout master
> git pull --rebase
> copy translation in and run intltool-update
> git commit da.po -m "Updated Danish translation" --author "..Left out.."
> git status (looked good)
> git push
> but upon this last command I got the following error output:
> Counting objects: 7, done.
> Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done.
> Writing objects: 100% (4/4), 10.43 KiB, done.
> Total 4 (delta 3), reused 0 (delta 0)
> To ssh://kennethn git gnome org/git/gtk+
>    64b8f4e..d2cd949  master -> master
>  ! [rejected]        gtk-2-16 -> gtk-2-16 (non-fast forward)
> error: failed to push some refs to 'ssh://kennethn git gnome org/git/gtk+'
> and return code 1, which will make my commit script complain. Now I
> think I understand why it complains, it is probably because the
> gtk-2-16 branch is behind the server one, and so even though I don't
> want to commit anything to it, it still complains. Now my question is,
> can I limit the push command to a single branch? Something like
> git push master
> I have searched a little on the internet, but most places it seems
> that the guides say that you need more arguments after push to do
> this, but I don't understand which or why. I hope someone can help.

I think you can write (see example in man git-push):
git push origin master

There is also a --dry-run flag you can use when you are not sure what
you are doing.



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