Re: Construction sentences with embedded widgets (was: String changes in gnome-keyring)


I think this is a complicated problem from the UI side. Usually you want
to place the widgets in a horizontal and vertical order and as such you
don't want to split the sentence into two labels and one input field:

| label1             | input1
| longer label 2     | input2
| super long label 3 | input3

and not

| label 1.1 | input1 | label 1.2
| longer label 2.1 | input2 | other long label 2.2
| super long label 3 | input 3 | extra super long label that might even
flip over to the next line 3

The %s approach might look simple but is also far from simple to implement
in code. I doubt we can make a very good solution here. In the past,
problematic languages often changed the contruction of the sentence in a
way that was fitting their grammer needs.

>>> The following strings were added:
>>> "Forget this password if idle for"
>>> "Forget this password after"
>>> "Forget this password when I log out"

So this could be (for example):
"Idle time before password is forgotten:"
"Total time before password is forgotten:"
The third should be a toggle button and doesn't have that problem IMHO.
Note that I am not a native speaker and that might sound ugly but I guess
you get my point.

Are the any languages where it is impossible to change the sentence in a
way that fits in?


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