Re: Adding information column to DL with proposed release dates and documentation state


> At this point this it is just an idea and I am very much looking for feedback.
> Would this be helpful?
> Will developers play along?
> Will this be acceptable within the design goals of Damned Lies (Claude)?
> Should the information in this columns be what I wrote, or is there
> something else that would be more helpful?

As there are still "rules to be defined" for the applications included,
this is difficult to tell. However, I think at least a list of release
dates would be helpful as long as it can be generated automatically from
GNOME releases and only those modules that have other dates would need
to update them accordingly (which could send a mail to gnome-i18n).

The documentation part seems difficult to me because it is always hard
to tell how up-to-date documentation is. But it would be nice to have a
marker that says "Don't translated, this is outdated/being updated".


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