Release set inclusion criteria?

Dear Release Set maintainers,

What exactly qualifies a package for inclusion in the Release Set
"External Dependencies (GNOME)"?

Given that Epiphany Web Browser

has a dependency on WebKitGTK+ (and it's L10n), does WebKitGTK+
qualify for that or some other more prominent Release Set?

Note these tickets (from Epiphany dev asking for WebKitGTK+ L10n):

The importance of this is that WebKitGTK+ is not presently a member of
any Release Set (other than OLPC) and it is not getting the L10n it

Yes, it is absolutely true that WebKitGTK+ has other issues with it's
i18n at present, but making it more visible can only help that i18n
issue get the attention it requires.


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