Re: Script to get all PO files

Great, thanks for the answer Rafael!

Best regards,
Enrico Nicoletto.

Em 04/11/2013 15:11, Rafael Ferreira escreveu:

I don't know if there is a script for it, but, basically, it would require 1) msgcat, from gettext, to concatenate all desired PO files together in one big PO file; and 2) po2tmx, from translate-toolkit, to convert this big PO in a big TMX file.

Allied with or (both provided in this thread), I believe a simple script preforming the above task might do this job easily (added to my TODO list)

Rafael Ferreria

2013/11/4 Enrico Nicoletto <liverig gmail com>
Speaking about translation memory, do you know how to create a glossary based on the translation memory and
who works with POEdit or Gtranslator?

I would like to create a file to share with the members of my team.

Thanks a lot,
Em 04/11/2013 10:58, Daniel Mustieles García escreveu:

Maybe this is a simpler script to get all the PO files from DL (I use it to download them and create the translation memory).

Nothe that you have to change your language code in the DL_URL variable


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