Re: adding Geary to GNOME's translation project

I've commited a dummy file with the variable DOC_LINGUAS, so Damned Lies won't show the warning.

Also commited an initial Spanish translation and it's shown in the help section, so I think it's ok now.

Best regards

2014/1/12 Enrico Nicoletto <liverig gmail com>
Damned Lies says that DOC_LINGUAS is missing.

The help section doesn´t show any locales.

Regards, Enrico.

Em 12/01/2014 14:04, Piotr DrÄ…g escreveu:

2014/1/12 Daniel Mustieles García <daniel mustieles gmail com>:
Piotr, should we add Geary's documentation into DL? There are several .page
files, so it may be interesting to have it translated.

Is there any change needed in the building system or it can be added as is?

I've added the help to Damned Lies. It seems to be working,
more-or-less. Unfortunately, I don't know if we need to do anything

Best regards,

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