Re: String freeze break for ATK

Hi, any feedback on this string freeze break request?

Best regards

On 03/06/2014 01:45 PM, Piñeiro wrote:
As part of this bug [1] some strings were added to ATK, in order to
provide description strings to values and ranges (e.g. "weak" for
passwords, "very low" for volume sliders, etc).

This email is also an apologize, as I already committed the strings. I
was just finishing the last details of that patch, and I was hoping to
include this changes on atk 2.11.91. But GNOME release was almost ready,
and adding a late ATK would mean the need to compile everything again,
so I postponed this till 2.11.92. If the break is not granted, I could
revert the string-addition if needed.

In order to facilitate the work for the translators, I have just added
translation notes to each string [3].

Thanks in advance, and again, my apologies


Alejandro Piñeiro

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