Re: dealing with plural

2014-09-18 1:42 GMT+08:00 Daniel Mustieles García <daniel mustieles gmail com>:
2014-09-17 13:01 GMT-03:00 Daniel Mustieles García
<daniel mustieles gmail com>:
PoEdit usually breaks PO files headers... I'd recommend you to use
translation tool instead of PoEdit.
By "break" you mean it breaks lines (in two, < 80 char per line), and
not that it breaks (i.e. corrupts) PO files, right?  I never had such
problem in POedit and I always used it without such problem.

No, I meant PoEdit sometimes corrupts files, specially with plural forms.
Maybe it happened with earlier versions and it has already been fixed, but I
started using Gtranslator and I've never used PoEdit again.

Rafael Ferreira


I set plural forms as
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"

the I checked it with msgfmt

$ msgfmt -c Documents/gnome312-translating/
nplurals = 1...
...but some messages have 2 plural forms
msgfmt: found 1 fatal error

I rectfied this by

msgid "%i day ago"
msgid_plural "%i days ago"
msgstr[0] ""
#msgstr[1] ""

is this the correct way to do it?

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