But this is more complicated because there is only one plural mechanism, and even English needs a separate mechanism to write things like 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th.
2016-06-26 2:50 GMT-03:00 Fabio Tomat <f t public gmail com>:Can someone help me resolve this problem, what should I do?the big problem (in the translated software) is specify if it's the first day of the month or one of the remaining days.I don't know how to implement this.ai 25 di jugn dal 2016 literally translated: at the(plural) 25 of June of the 2016al 1ⁿ di jugn dal 2016 literally translated: at the(singular) 1ˢᵗ of June of the 2016Greetings community,with gnome 3.20 I modified the dates in gnome as best as I could, but the right form of the date is this:
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Hi there.I don't think 'date' support formatting date output with a superscript character (or something like that) to denote first day of month. At least I've got no success with 'date --date 2016-06-01 +%e' or 'date --date 2016-06-01 +%d'I believe your question is typically related to Gettext's Plural-Forms, as you have one form in singular and another in plural. My suggestion is to file a bug report to the proper module (gnome-shell?) to support such date format.Rafael Fontenelle
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