Re: [gnome-music] string change

Ühel kenal päeval, L, 28.08.2021 kell 09:02, kirjutas Claude Paroz:
Le 27.08.21 à 23:48, Marinus a écrit :
Hey list,

there was a minor string change in gnome-music in 
gnomemusic/widget/ :

old: "{}, {} minute", "{}, {} minutes"
new: "{} minute", "{} minutes"

That's all for today and thank you for your work.

Hi Marinus,

We are now in string freeze mode, not in string change announcement 
mode, so you didn't follow the right process.
You have to request a string freeze break, and commit when it has been 

Please follow the rules for the happiness of all :-)

According to the schedule found at
the string freeze starts at 28th August 23:59 UTC, until which we still
have ca 15 hours to go at this time.

String change announcement period had started 14th August, 23:59 UTC.


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