Le 26.05.21 à 07:12, Udesh Imalka a écrit :
> Hello Gnome,
> Our current coordinator for sinhala language isn't active and team page
> details etc are outdated. Can you set-up new coordinator for that
> language using below details? Kindly do not remove existing person; i
> have noticed some teams have multiple coordinators. eg:
> https://l10n.gnome.org/teams/pt_BR/ <https://l10n.gnome.org/teams/pt_BR/>
> Email: udesh yalu lk <mailto:udesh yalu lk>
> Gnome ID: udesh
Udesh, great proposal, however I don't see you as a translator in the
team. That would be a first step, along with some translation uploads on
the site.
Danishka, it would be awesome if you could confirm that request and tell
us if you are interested to continue coordinating the team or not.