On 16 December 2016 at 11:54, Sriram Ramkrishna <sri ramkrishna me> wrote:
> I'm planning on meeting with the Openforge folks (http://openforge.gov.in/)
> Dec 19th at 14:00 IST to talk about the GNOME software stack and possible
> ways we could have a partnership.
> In preparation for the call, I was wondering if we could come up with some
> points that the Indian government would find compelling in regards to the
> GNOME software platform and it's application on e-government.
> One thing that is clear to me is that we have an advantage regards to the
> fact that our applications and the GNOME desktop has good community support
> for a fairly large number of Indian languages. The the recent GNOME.Asia
> conference in New Delhi is another data point.
> I was hoping that some of you could maybe point out other advantages or
> points that I might have missed. What features do you think our platform
> might have that would resonate with Indian developers?
These are probably all obvious, but just to list out what the big
draws are from my perspective:
1. Languages and community: you covered this already, but our
locallisation teams are pretty amazing, and there's likely a lot of
spaces for people to participate and contribute as well
2. Usability: I think the the user-experience focus in GNOME means
that picking it over other solutions doesn't have to mean a poorer /
compromised experience, and you gain all the benefits of a truly
free/open platform -- so why would you not? :-)
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