Re: Fwd: Subversion migration schedule (cut-off Fri 18 Mar)

เมื่อ พ. 2006-02-15 เวลา 08:53 -0500, Kevin Kubasik เขียนว่า:
> A thought, what are plans for CIA project stats support? There are
> Subversion scripts[1] so that's no big, but in order to keep all
> existing project stats, do you think we should give them a ping and
> coordinate to some extent? Its not an essential service, but I know I
> use it (namely its RSS feeds) to keep from updating continuously while
> waiting for a commit.
> *1
> -Kevin Kubasik

Good point. By the look of it, this is should be easy enough - we just
add their hook script to the end of the post-commit for each of the
repositories. Anyone provide any advice on which of the scripts is best,
or should I just try the XMLRPC one out?

It doesn't look any co-ordination with them will be necessary - if I
understand it right, we just pump commit notifications at them. However,
if you think it's worth it, feel free to drop them a note to tell them
to e-mail this list if they've got any questions or requests.


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