Re: IRC Intrastructure Strained

On 5/21/06, Guilherme de S. Pastore <gpastore gnome org> wrote:
Em Dom, 2006-05-21 às 13:42 -0400, Kevin Kubasik escreveu:
> I wanted to check, but I've been getting 'server is full' messages all
> day whenever I try to connect to I know that theres not
> much in terms of hardware backing our IRC server, but I was just
> wondering if this was a known issue, (or just my issue). And if so,
> what were considering.

Please ask in #sysadmin on; the IRC services are not run
by the GNOME sysadmins.
Oh the irony......

Ok, I'll give them a shout.

Guilherme de S. Pastore

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Kevin Kubasik

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