Re: Buy official * SSL certificate?

On 13/05/07, Olav Vitters <olav bkor dhs org> wrote:
For Bugzilla I want to move to using SSL for logged in users. Mango
already uses SSL, however, this doesn't make sense unless the
certificate can be trusted.

I propose the GNOME foundation buys a * SSL certificate. Such
a wildcard certificate should be reusable for Mango and Bugzilla.

Two questions:
- Do you agree?
- Was a SSL certificate restricted to an IP address? Hopefully not as
  above services run on different machines.

I propose to buy it here (no good reason other than Mozilla used that
for their bmo certificate):

It costs 800 USD for 3 years. See:

Another alternative is GoDaddy, who seem to be a fair bit cheaper
(it'd be $540 for a 3 year period):

I know we're using them for the * wildcard certificate.

I do not know a lot about certificates, so I do not want someone buying
it right away (need someone knowledgeable to say this is the right

The main issue with a wildcard certificate is that if it is stolen it
can be used to spoof any * site, rather than just  Whether this is a problem depends on what other
things are planned to be deployed over the lifetime of the


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