Re: GNOME Foundation AGM 2015


We were thinking that the sysadmin team could and should present at this year's AGM.

Could you give a very short presentation (up to five minutes) on what happened last year?


On Thu, Aug 06, 2015 at 11:38:59AM +0200, Tobias Mueller wrote:
Hi everyone.

Just a reminder about the AGM.  It'll be this
        Saturday, 2015-08-08, at 15:45 Swedish time.

On Thu, Jul 09, 2015 at 03:28:01PM +0100, Allan Day wrote:
The meeting will include reports from each of GNOME's teams
If your team wants to present anything, please let me know.
You have up to five minutes.

If you're intending to have slides¹, please send them
to me <tobiasmue gnome org> until

        Friday, 2015-08-07, 23:59 Swedish time.

Also please indicate who is going to present on behalf of your team.


1:  a common format would be good so that we can combine them into one deck.
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