Re: SysAdmin Apprenticeship


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2018-08-03 16:17 GMT+02:00 Eric Hendricks <eric theitguys us>:
Yes, I have been spending a lot if time pouring over the Wiki and hanging out in IRC.

On Aug 3, 2018, at 05:41, Andrea Veri <av gnome org> wrote:

Hey Eric,

welcome! Were you able to have a look at [1]? If yes, I'll be granting
you access to the relevant resources so you can start looking around!
The next generation GNOME Infrastructure will bring in Openshift,
we'll be moving the various webapps off from VMs over to it. Would you
be interested in managing some of the migrations?



2018-08-03 1:51 GMT+02:00 Eric Hendricks <eric theitguys us>:
Hello world! (Or GNOME-Infrastructure),

My name is Eric Hendricks. You may have seen me lurking around on IRC the
past few days under Eric_TheITGuy. I am interested in joining the GNOME
SysAdmin team!

I have spent most of my 10 year career working on RedHat/CentOS servers,
managing Spacewalk, and using open source for my employers. However, over
the past 2 years, I found that what I was really missing was the community.
You can use open source or you can be apart of it.

Since then, I have become an active follower of Jupiter Broadcasting, am a
donating member of the EFF, contributor to the PeerTube project, manager of
Jupiter Broadcasting’s new PeerTube and GitLab instances, as well as an avid
at-home user (NextCloud, Quassel, libvirt, etc). I have never been more
excited about technology or the community. In the coming months I am
attending LAS in Denver and DevOps Days in Kansas City.

I currently work full time as a Linux Systems Engineer revamping my
employers patching process, utilizing SaltStack for automation and
orchestration. I have been working on and off with a Kubernetes POC our
company is working towards.

I heard that GNOME was in need of man power and am here to help where I can
(and dive deeper into Puppet). I have already started working with the
Engagement team on Social media, a benefit of my owning a small business in
the past, but tech is where my heart lies. So, here I am!

Thank you so much for your consideration.

Eric Hendricks | Linux Jedi | eric theitguys us | 816.304.2193

gnome-infrastructure mailing list
gnome-infrastructure gnome org



Red Hatter,
Fedora / EPEL packager,
GNOME Infrastructure Team Coordinator,
Former GNOME Foundation Board of Directors Secretary,
GNOME Foundation Membership & Elections Committee Chairman




Red Hatter,
Fedora / EPEL packager,
GNOME Infrastructure Team Coordinator,
Former GNOME Foundation Board of Directors Secretary,
GNOME Foundation Membership & Elections Committee Chairman


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