GNOME 3.0 edition of GNOME Journal delayed

We won't be launching today. I'm waiting for redrafts from Malmrose and Spalinger, Sri needs another day to finish his article and get it reviewed for accuracy, and I'd like to edit and add graphics to the other three pieces. I'm hoping we can launch Monday, but it might be Tuesday or even later. That's annoying, because we had hoped to get this issue out BEFORE the GNOME 3.0 launch, but everyone has lots on their plate and it's not like anyone was slacking off. Just a lesson for next time: more lead time is needed in busy periods like this.
(Trying to edit the GJ wiki pages to reflect this status, but won't accept my edits.  Bah humbug.)
-Sumana Harihareswara
GJ release organizer

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