Re: Integrating a Qt application with both desktops

On Friday 17 November 2000 18:44, Havoc Pennington wrote:

> This is certainly an area we should work on for GNOME/KDE
> interoperability, since the lack of standardization here prevents
> developers that want to target both desktops from using the standard
> mechanism for either desktop.

There's not much work, I believe. If I'm not mistaken, most projects today 
provide docu as HTML files. The things to agree on would be help files 
repository positioning in the FSSTD and the main indexing (like the tree that 
appears in the left panel in the KDE help center).

Cristian Tibirna     : ctibirna total net     :
PhD Student          : ctibirna gch ulaval ca :
KDE contact - Canada :  tibirna kde org       :

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