Re: gnome-keyring trust assertions

I know people hate to discuss terminology, but I cannot resist :-)

In the IETF PKIX community (e.g. the term "trust anchor" is used, instead of the unadorned (and highly overloaded, etc.) "trust". So this could be "trust anchor assertions" or "trust anchor properties". And we would need to cringe a little less...
And regarding the spec: please spell "IPsec" consistently (and this is 
the common way to spell it). What do you mean by the "IPsec Tunnel" 
purpose? Shouldn't it be "IPsec Gateway" instead? BTW, that is the 
canonical reference for values of the Extended Key Usage Field? Note 
that RFC 3280 has been obsoleted by RFC 5280.
Date: Sat, 11 Dec 2010 20:25:11 -0600
From: Stef Walter<stefw collabora co uk>
To: "gnome-keyring-list gnome org"<gnome-keyring-list gnome org>
Subject: gnome-keyring Ready to merge trust-store branch
Message-ID:<4D043287 3090000 collabora co uk>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

I'm ready to merge the trust-store branch into master. It introduces a
whole bunch of changes to gnome-keyring, most of which relate to the
storage of trust assertions.

More details here:

Comments, review, more than welcome!



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