Re: gnome-keyring Going to GUADEC

I will not be making it. If I have enough leave next fall, I'd like to try making it to the Boston summit.


On Jun 1, 2010 12:03 AM, "Stef Walter" <stef-list memberwebs com> wrote:

I'll be going to GUADEC this year, giving a talk about gnome-keyring and
integrating key storage in the GNOME Desktop between crypto libraries
(using PKCS#11).

But I'm also interesting in hooking up and having some smaller
discussions about seahorse and gnome-keyring with whoever is interested.
Maybe even a BoF?

One thing I'd like to see if we can tackle is the whole 'issue' of
people hating the fact that they can see their passwords in seahorse.

To us developers it seems like an intractable issue, where user
expectations are in oppositions to the technical reality. But the fact
that it's been brought up so much, I'd like to bring some thought to
bear on the issue, and see if we can resolve it.

Anyone seahorse contributors going to be at GUADEC? If so that'd be awesome.


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