Re: gnome-keyring Quantifying non-pageable memory and expanding if necessary

 Hi Stef,

First ideology, then pragmatics :

Capabilities are an important security feature. It is only fair that a security component will be among the first to drive their use in real, packaged software. A little googling shows that people have been considering using capabilities in packages recently, but I don't see evidence of their being used yet.
Pragmatically, both Debian packages and RPMs include a post-install 
script (postinst on Debian). The maintainers could add a line or two to 
this script to set the capability on the file. If any package 
maintainers are on this list, I would like to hear their opinions.
Two additional alternatives:

1. Use the the capability, but do it programatically. The demon should be installed suid-root, and upon startup, it sets this capability on the process, and then drops all other privileges.
2. Much more complex, but doesn't require capabilities: since the 
accounting of locked pages is per-process, you can require each process 
that uses the demon to allocate the locked memory itself, and "donate" 
it to the demon. "mmap()" can create shared+locked areas. This should 
work for all the using processes, other than Seahorse (because Seahorse 
needs much more memory). But AFAIK, normal users rarely use Seahorse 

On 14/10/10 17:29, Stef Walter wrote:
On 2010-10-13 04:42, Yaron Sheffer wrote:
  Hi Stef,

it looks like the allocation of locked pages is governed by a specific
process capability: CAP_IPC_LOCK. Capabilities can be set on the
executable at install time:

sudo setcap CAP_IPC_LOCK+ep<file>

Maybe setting this flag on the demon at install time will solve the
problem (you do NOT have to be fully privileged). Note that this
mechanism is very OS/version specific. I tried it successfully on the
attached piece of code.
Interesting. So we would set this during install, and then make note for
distributors to try and keep this somehow? But I'm not sure how well
these caps work in tarballs and packages (ie: debs and rpms).

Thanks for discovering this, but is there a second solution?



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