Re: gnome-keyring Error using a newly created keyring

On 11/21/2011 01:10 PM, Alberto Mardegan wrote:
> I'm calling gnome_keyring_create_sync() to create a new keyring named
> "signon-test". The call succeeds (no error code).
> But then, all methods on the newly created keyring return error 4 ("No
> such keyring"). Am I missing something?

I just went to the GNOME keyring UI and checked the situation: I had a
few keyrings named signon-test_<number> (indeed, I executed my
application several times -- though I wouldn't expect many keyrings to
be created); I could delete all of them, but two ("signon-test" and
"signon-test_2"), which had a different icon, no name, and the key IDs
are "signon-test" and "signon-test2". I couldn't delete them from the UI.

Thenk I killed gnome-keyring-deamon, and restarted the UI. The two
keyrings which I had left before now appear as regular keyrings, and the
application can use them.

That seems all very strange. Is it a tested scenario, using the GNOME
keyring APIs with different keyrings than the default one?

(I don't really need to use a different keyring than the default in my
application; but for the unit tests, I wouldn't like to play with the
real keyring, so I'd like my tests to be executed on a different one)


-- <- geek in un lingua international!

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