gnome-keyring ed25519 SSH keys in or Seahorse?

Greetings gnome-keyring folks.  I put this question on the Seahorse
list, but it doesn't look like things are too active over there at the
moment so I thought I'd also ask here.

Basically I'm wondering if there are any plans for Seahorse or
gnome-keyring to accommodate ed25519 SSH keys.

Right now in the (admittedly somewhat old) Seahorse version I have
(3.10.2), if I try to import into Seahorse an ed25519 SSH key from the
list of SSH keys in my ~/.ssh directory, I get the following error

<key name in bold>
Could not display '<key name>'
Reason: Unrecognized or unsupported data.

Of course I get no such error message when I import an RSA key, but it
appears that Seahorse doesn't know about ed15519 keys.

Or does it?  Would I be able to import an ed25519 key into a newer
version of Seahorse?  (I've combed through changelogs of the recent
versions looking for any mention of ed25519, and haven't found any.)

If not, would this be something the developers might consider for
upcoming versions?

Thanks, and thanks for both great programs, Gnome Keyring and Gnome


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