Re: gnome-keyring keyring can't be unlocked, likely due to oversize

Thanks Xor. Since you mentioned libsecret, is it the library that
provides api access to gnome keyring, or is it the actual low layer
software that writes to .local/share/keyring/login.keyring? I feel it
is the former. Since the keyring can't be opened in seahorse while
newly created ones works fine, I'm more suspecting that the file isn't
successfully parsed, instead of the API access to it having any
problem. Can you kindly navigate me to the code that actually read and
write .local/share/keyring/login.keyring? I should also use the chance
to learn the encryption method used in securing that file.

2016-08-27 20:30 GMT+10:00 xor <gnome idlecore com>:
As far as size is concerned, I just ran a test with 1200 items and over
760kb and seahorse seemed to run fine, locked and unlocked without problem.
Thank ou Xor, this is really informative.

I suggest you do the basics first, make sure seahorse is up to date, make
sure the keyring file as read permission, a lot of the work on seahorse is
done with libsecret, so make sure that one is up to date as well, also
restart(1) gnome-keyring-daemon before testing again.
All my tests reproduction are conducted by rebooting the machine first
and all packages are up to data in Ubuntu 16.04. I did Linux desktop
customer support for around 5 years. Also, the file is inspected in a
text editor and have sufficient rw permission.

I know the latest gnome-shell is 3.20.2 and Ubuntu only have 3.18.3
gnome-keyring. But usually, for such problem that "suddenly one day it
happens" without recent package update (haven't updated months before
the incident) or hardware / software change, reaching my arm for
latest source build in the correct environment (gnome-shell) is what
dev team will require me to do but rarely solves the problem.

The keyring has been functioning correctly for 6 months. There is no
precursour of the incident.

Regarding to libsecret, my version is 0.18.4, released Jan 2016 -
latest ubuntu has to offer. Source release is at 0.18.5 released Mar

Having researched this far, I'm ready to submit this as a bug, once I
examined the encryption method to feel safe to submit my password

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